Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Print multiple PowerPoint slides per page

Hi, again!
I am busy because of final exams, so I can update less frequently.

Yesterday, I was trying to print 4 slides per page without noticeable quality loss.
I know two ways to do this :
  1.  Using PowerPoint options
    1. Open slides in PowerPoint. Open print dialog.
    2. Under "Print What:" choose "Handouts"
    3. As you will see you can choose how many slides will be printed per page. (default=6)
    4. Under "Color/grayscale" choose "Grayscale" if you are printing on monochrome printer.
    5. Click on "OK" and it is done!
  2. Using Foxit Reader or Adobe Reader (or other PDF viewers) options
I describe details for Foxit Reader, but it will be similar for the other viewers (if they are really capable of it)
    1. Convert PowerPoint slides to PDF.
      1. I suggest using a PDF printer driver. It registers itself as a printer and you can print documents on it! and save them as PDF.
      2. You can also use "Save as PDF or XPS" addon. Then under "Save as" menu choose "PDF or XPS" and save a copy of presentation as PDF.
    2. Open the PDF file. Open print dialog.
    3. Under "Page Arrange:" choose "Multiple pages per sheet"
    4. Under "Page Scaling:" choose "Fit to Paper"
    5. Under "Pages per sheet:" you can choose how many pages will be printed on paper.
    6. If you are printing Portrait(horizontal) I suggest you to check "Auto-Rotate"
    7. Check "Print as Grayscale" if you are printing on monochrome printer.
I suggest method two because method one will waste a lot of space on every sheet.

Foxit Reader and Adobe Reader are freeware PDF viewers for Windows.
Bullzip PDF Printer is a PDF printer driver free for individual use.
You can download "Save as PDF or XPS" for Office 2007 here.

This is my first post on 2011. So HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

How to overcome messages like "Cannot delete file: Access is denied"


For years, I had received annoying messages like "Cannot delete file: Access is denied" or "Make sure the disk is not full or write-protected and that the file is not currently in use". Anytime something like this was happened, I did a logoff and logon to eliminate the problem. But there were situations like virus infection, that this method didn't work. Because virus was loaded on logon and prevented the file from deletion or the device from being removed.

Here is a method that will work definitely! Use one of these freeware programs:
  • Unlocker 1.9.0
More info and download links are available at: 
  • LockHunter
LockHunter is a bit more user friendly and has similar abilities that Unlocker has.
More info and download link is available at LockHunter official homepage.

Both programs have other feature allowing them to be used to fight against malwares like Autorun virus.

If you look for a software that certainly is designed for removing storages, have a look on USB Safely Remove.

Hope to be useful!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Embedding Fonts in Powerpoint Presentations


I have seen many students opening their Powerpoint presentations to start their seminar, but their slides didnt't show up correctly. It is because they used a font which does not exist in classroom's computer.

How to solve the problem? It is easy to do!

Steps to follow:
  1. Click on the Office Button (A circle button on Left-Top Most of your screen)
  2. Click on "PowerPoint Options" (Just close to "Exit PowerPoint" button)
  3. Click on "Save" tab
  4. Under "Preserve fiderlity when sharing this presentation", check the box for "Embed fonts in the file"
  5. Now you have two choices:
    1. First one will result in smaller file, but if you plan to change the result file consider the second choice.
    2. This will allow you to change the presentation in future, but with the cost of a bigger file.
    3. Well, actually there is a third option! :-) You can keep a copy of original presentation, and save a new one with the first option. Use the latter for your seminar!
Here is a picture for more info: